- From your Yahoo Mail inbox, click on "Options" (top left) and choose "Mail Options".
- Make sure that "General" is selected on the left.
- If you choose "Page by page with [50 messages] per page (Classic View)", Yahoo will not show the Preview Pane, and instead display a full screen listing of emails: in that case, you'll need to double-click on a message to open it, and read it in its own tab.
Tip: choose from showing 25
messages at a time to a maximum of 200
emails at the same time. Lower numbers load faster, but require more clicks to navigate from screen to screen.
- The "In a scrolling list (show Preview Pane)" setting will load messages on demand, as you scroll: click on an email in a listing, and its content will show up inside the Preview Pane (double-clicking on a message will still work, and open it in its own tab).
- With the "In a scrolling list (hide Preview Pane)" option, Yahoo will show the same as "Classic View" (no reading pane, just a full list of messages), but without pagination arrows: older emails will be at the bottom, and appear as needed, as you scroll down.
Note: the "Inbox - Show on startup" checkbox at the bottom (unchecked by default) simply lets you force Yahoo Mail to directly load your inbox instead of the welcome page.
- In general it is a matter of personal preferences, since it makes more sense to use the search box when trying to find an email (as opposed to navigating from screen to screen until you find it). Close the Options tab or select other settings on the left to save your settings.
Tip: this account setting (not browser-specific), will be applied from wherever you login.