Outlook 2010 can export your address book's content to text files (CSV or tab-separated), PST (optionally password-protected!), Excel 97-2003 (*.xls), and Microsoft Access 97-2003 (*.mdb).
Click on File (top left), choose Open, and click "Import" (keyboard shortcut = Alt+F, O, i).
Select "Export to a file" in the Import and Export Wizard, and click Next.
Pick a file format, depending on what you plan on doing with these contacts. • "Comma Separated Values (DOS)" and "Comma Separated Values (Windows)" dumps all contacts in a plain text CSV file. The first line ("row") contains headers: for interoperability, Outlook will include 91 fields, regardless of the information supplied for any of your contacts.Here are the 91 fields (column headers) you'll find, and in this order: Title, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix, Company, Department, Job Title, Business Street, Business City, Business State, Business Postal Code, Business Country, Home Street, Home City, Home State, Home Postal Code, Home Country, Business Fax, Business Phone, Business Phone 2, Callback, Car Phone, Company Main Phone, Home Fax, Home Phone, Home Phone 2, ISDN, Mobile Phone, Other Fax, Other Phone, Pager, Primary Phone, Radio Phone, TTY/TDD Phone, Telex, Account, Anniversary, Assistant's Name, Billing Information, Birthday, Business Address PO Box, Categories, Children, Company Yomi, Directory Server, E-mail Address, E-mail Type, E-mail Display Name, E-mail 2 Address, E-mail 2 Type, E-mail 2 Display Name, E-mail 3 Address, E-mail 3 Type, E-mail 3 Display Name, Gender, Given Yomi, Government ID Number, Hobby, Home Address PO Box, Initials, Internet Free Busy, Keywords, Language, Location, Manager's Name, Mileage, Notes, Office Location, Organizational ID Number, Other Address PO Box, Priority, Private, Profession, Referred By, Sensitivity, Spouse, Surname Yomi, User 1, User 2, and Web Page.
• "Microsoft Access 97-2003" exports a database table, populated with your address book.
• "Microsoft Excel 97-2003" does the same in a spreadsheet, with contacts starting on the second row.
• "Outlook Data File (.pst)" will create the same type of file Outlook uses to store your emails: this approach is the only one that allows you to password-protect the exported file!
• "Tab Separated Values (DOS)" and "Tab Separated Values (Windows)" will generate the same plain text as the first option, but in this case, columns are delimited with tab characters.
Tip: unless exporting text files to legacy applications, pick Windows vs. DOS encoding.
Technical note: "DOS" format encodes text using ASCII, whereas "Windows" uses "ANSI" (aka Windows-1252). It is safer to use the more modern of the two, even if their first 128 characters are identical. That explains why Outlook often generates the exact same address book files:
Click Next: select "Contacts" to only export your address book. To only include people matching certain criteria, click on the "Filter" button to narrow down your choice. Click Next once more.
Outlook exports by default to Documents: click Browse to change folder, and type a file name.
If you chose that format, you can now customize your PST export options: • "Replace duplicates with items exported" updates a previously exported file - useful for backups.
• "Allow duplicate items to be created" is the safe but messy choice: only use when warranted.
• Select "Do not export duplicate items" to only export new contacts (pre-existing contacts' information will not be updated in that scenario, which makes it a poor choice when backing up).